Paper Title
Local Wisdom Values of the MatompangArajang Ceremony in the Bugis Bone Community, South Sulawesi
Abstract - The MatompangArajang ceremony is a traditional ceremony that is still passed down from generation to generation and is still maintained today by the Bugis Bone community. MatompangArajang is a ritual cleansing process of the royal heirlooms of Bone. Where the ceremony contains various local wisdom values. So far, previous studies have not reached the level of discovering the value of local wisdom from the MatompangArajang ceremony. This article aims to describe the process or stages in the MatompangArajang ceremony and to identify the values of local wisdom in the MatompangArajang ceremony. The method used is descriptive-qualitative method with an ethnographic approach. Data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis was carried out in three stages, namely data restatement, data description and data interpretation. These three stages form the basis for drawing conclusions. The MatompangArajang ceremony includes activities such as malekketoja, mapaota, memmang to rilangi, matompang and ma'tinroArajang. The local wisdom values contained in the MatompangArajang ceremony include MappesonariDewata (Sincerity and Submission to Allah), Addenuang (Responsibility Value) and Maradderi Ada naGau (Discipline Value).
Keywords - Local Wisdom, Value, MatompangArajang, Buginese Society