Paper Title
The Effective Solution of Last Mile Delivery by using Drone Delivery
Abstract - This paper ought to show the future of drone delivery for commercial use globally and how it will make last-mile delivery more efficient and effective. Many challenges are faced in optimum delivery strategies, which thus this paper explored the possibility of using the drone delivery method as a last-mile delivery strategy. It might face some challenges in the beginning but with time once it starts to operate in developed countries it will start to spread around the world very fast. Due to the challenges identified which can improve the implementation process through effectively working on them before they occur thus being pro-active which shows resilience in the Supply Chain. As we evolve into a more sustainable environment, drones will be a day delivery method showing more efficiency. This will provide more effectiveness and sustainability as will be explored in the paper. Once the concept is adopted, we will see drone delivery becoming common enabling all parcel and mail delivery to be done in the comfort of people’s homes.
Keywords - Last Mile Delivery, Drones, Sustainability, Supply Chain