Paper Title
New And Emerging Technologies To Transform Teaching And Learning In Polytechnics And Similar Heis In Nigeria

Today Technology seems to provide new opportunity to improve teaching and learning among Polytechnics and Higher education system. Views are divided across the efficacy of such an approach and the point to which technology ought to be encompass in teaching. So this paper aim to learn more about emerging technologies in Polytechnics & HEIs in Nigeria and their potential impact on enhancing learning in unjust educational perspective. The paper also review literatures to dig into the existing proofs to show that technology enhances learning and how this proofs transform teachers in those institute. Social media and other technologies transform the learning trends and penchant of learners, teachers’ need to know the concept of the new tools in all learning environments. However emerging technologies will provide both new & old online, hybrid and face to face teachers with practical, visual and thought. Index Terms—Emerging Technologies, HEIs, Transform, Teaching & Learning, Information And Communication Technology