Paper Title
Causes Of Nigeria Unrest And Conflict Situation
In 2005, the CIA published a report warning that Nigeria, the seventh most populous country in the world, could
disintegrate within 15 years. Nigeria experiences civil unrest, violence and strikes. Nigeria has one of the highest rates of
internal violence in the world, only unlike others with similar levels of bloodshed such as Colombia or Chechnya, there is
not a civil war going on. The types of unrest observed in Nigeria from literature consulted can be categorized into five
namely: religious, social, political, labour and communal or ethnic unrest. The causes of the unrest are as follows: injustice,
unemployment, religious intolerance and extremism, illiteracy and government not filling agreements reached with unions.
The cost due to these unrest cannot be quantified because it affects human, material/properties and money.
Keywords- Unrest; Conflicts; Boko Haram; Disturbance