Paper Title
Teleworking: A New Method For Organizing And Performance Control
First , in this paper, the concepts, benefits and challenges of telework are cited, then we have
discussed about telework, the particular issue that controlled by managers who telework is the most challenging
issues facing by them. Given that teleworking employees used to work in various places other than the main
organization, and they are not visible by their supervisors and managers, consequently they are monitored and
controlled by managers differently rather than the normal staff. According to research, employees who telework,
can experience significantly fewer institutional controls rather than ordinary workers. Whereas that of corporate
control of telework satisfaction has a positive impact. But this control should be informed, because the
bureaucratic control, including providing detailed work instructions, has a negative impact on telework. In the
end , for teleworking the three – stage process model is proposed , the relationship between managers -
employee with appropriate controls in each of the three stages have been expressed, and with the items required
by teleworkers and managers, the route could expedite this process, while using appropriate controls.
Keywords: Teleworking, Control,Management, Performance Monitoring.