Paper Title
Succession Planning Management Practices On Family Businesses In West Sumatera

This study aims to see the Management Practices in the Succession Planning on Family Businesses in West Sumatera. The Variables that be examined Non-Family Member on Top Management, Decision-making authority, the Influencing of Founder, and how are they difference from one generation to generation in managing Succession Planning. The populations of this research were the Chief Executif Officers or the Manager of the Companies who has taken as second or third generation in the company.And the samples was taken as randomly by using accedental sampling technique which amount about 55 samples. Data was analized by using SPSS. And the methodology used Multiple regresion and descriptive analysis to describe collections of data or observations that have been made. The activities include data collection, grouping data, the determination of value and statistical functions.The result was not obtain a significant differences and that the entire family companies’s respondents have in common in the Management practices of succession planning that can be effect by the company's founder, making authorities and the involvement of non - family members. Index Term- Non-Family Business, Succession Planning, decision making authority, Founders Influences.