Paper Title
Employment Challenges in Georgia (An Analysis of Public and Private Sector)

The paper deals with the problems of employment in Georgia. In particular, it analyzes the issues of the employment policy, the efficient operation of the labor market and the process of building a competitive workforce in accordance with the free trade agreement between the EU and Georgia. The growth of productive employment opportunities for the population is especially important for Georgia, as a developing country. The paper shows that the Association Agreement with the EU assisted Georgia to establish the employment policy. After that Georgia has started the employment reforms based on the partnership with the EU, the World Bank and other international organizations. However, there are many challenges which require the analysis of the problems existing in public and private sector. Studies show that the employment problems in public and private sector in Georgia are different. This difference in most cases is caused by the diversity in wage rates, work schedules, mismatch between workforce skills qualifications and that are required by employers. The local and international experience of development workforce capacity shows that the investment in human resources grows the productivity and workforce competitiveness, which will significantly contribute to the economic development. Key words- human resources, employment, qualifications, competitiveness.