Paper Title
Scientific Attitude Development of Chemistry Graduate Employees in Some Selected Industries

This paper set out to investigate some requirements of Industries that engage Chemistry graduates in their work force with respect to the kind of attitude the graduates need to have acquired from schools and should exhibit while working. This often determines the extent to which these industries may engage chemistry graduates. The paper considered three types of industries that have to do with items that are consumable by human beings. These include the Food and Beverages industry, the Pharmaceutical industry and the Brewery industry. Two research instruments: Required and Developed Attitudes Assessment Questionnaire (RDAAQ) and Interview Guidelines on Attitudes of Chemistry Graduate Employees were developed and administered to chemistry graduates working in these sectors of industries. The data generated were analysed using means and paired sample t-test. The results of the study revealed that the level of scientific attitudes developed by chemistry graduates from undergraduate chemistry courses is lower than scientific attitudes required by the industries. It was also found that attitude requirement by the industries and attitudinal development of chemistry graduates are not gender dependent however, female graduates are not given equal employment opportunities as their male counterparts. Quality control managers suggested a restructuring of the curriculum to bridge the gap in attitude development. Keywords— Attitude, Curriculum, Selected Industries, Chemistry Graduates.