Paper Title
Principal, as a Pedagogical Leader: In The Perspective of Good Governance in The Public Sector Colleges of Pakistan

This paper has aimed at exploring the emerging needs of growing pedagogical leadership and the good governance qualities among the Principals of the public sector colleges. The paper has focused mainly on these qualities of Principals with the help of brief surveys conducted in the past and finally this has proposed the recommendations which are needed for the best and profound educational and academic needs of a society. The paper has viewed the public sector colleges of Pakistan. This has concluded that Pakistan has been an historical fact with the emerging perspectives of international globalization. The public sector colleges are playing a vibrant and tremendous role in the developing of potentials among the teachers and students to develop the society of Pakistan with parallel to the needs of international community. Therefore, this paper has recommended that Principal is a key actor who can create best academic and citizenship qualities among the Pakistani students and teachers. The need of good governance among the public sector Principals of colleges has been emphasized. Keywords: Pedagogical, Principal, Leadership, Public Sector, Educational Institutions, Contexts, Features, Good Governance.