Paper Title
The Problem Faced by UNIKL MIAT Students During on Job Training (OJT) - Students and Industrial’s Perspectives

Abstract - There are many terms used to describe about On the Job Training (OJT), including Industrial Training, Industrial Internship, Practicum and many others. It is one of the compulsory courses that all aviation students in University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Institution of Aviation Technology (UniKL MIAT) need to complete for their Diploma or Degree. By having this training, the students are exposed to the real life experience of being trainees who will integrate the knowledge and theory that they learned in the classroom and apply practically the skills. Despite having all these advantages of industrial training, the students still have faced some challenges during their On the Job Training (OJT). This paper aims to discuss the issues and challenges faced by UniKL MIAT students during their OJT from two different perspectives, which are from industry supervisor and also OJT students’ perspectives. In order to study those challenges, few in-depth interviews have been conducted. The results are expected to give some guidelines to improve the quality of the students before they have their industrial training and the institution can provide more effective preparation to their products to fulfill the Aviation Industries ‘needs. Keywords - On Job Training, Issues And Challenges, Students, Industrial Supervisor.