Paper Title
The Study of Thai Tour Guides's Attitude Towards Wearing Uniforms when Guiding Tours

The research aims to study The Study of Thai Tour Guides' s Attitude towards Wearing Uniforms when Guiding Tours. The purpose of the study was to study the guides’ opinions concerning wearing uniforms for guided tours and to find the suitable outfit. The population and samples used in this study come form 5 dealing work units consisting of 3 persons from the Association of Professional Tourist Guides, 2 from the Department of Tourism, 15 from the Grand Palace and the Emerald Buddha Temple, 5 expert and senior guides and 79 general guides to make the number 104 persons in all. The researcher uses the interview from to collect data and analizes the data by using the frequency and percentage.The Result of Research There are 104 persons who deal with tourism industry careers answer the interview form. 1. Most of the samples are women, 55 from 104 persons : 52.88 percent, 64 are single : 61.53 percent, 48 have monthly income 15,000-20,000 bath : 46.15 percent, and 72 are career guides : 69.23 percent, 79 are professional guide : 82.16 percent. 2. Samples are both agree and disagree wearing uniforms tourist guides to travel. 3. For the ideas concerning wearing uniforms, they agree with wearing uniforms to create the identity of Thai tourist guides. The uniforms should emphasize being Thai especially the shirts. They might use cotton material if they conduct tour to forests, mountains or beaches. Use silk or local materials to promote them on other opportunities. For the colures and designs on uniform most of the samples prefer light colours because Thailand is hot and there should not have too much design on them. The designs should concern with Thai designs or, typical regions of Thailand. Small Thai signs should be on their uniforms such as Thai flag or the logo of the Department of Tourism. Keywords: Attitude, Tour guide, Uniform.