Paper Title
Chinese and New Cultural Communication

This research is based on social media in China. It is investigate that China is using different social media that not similar with the rest of the world. The language of the China is also different. They block Facebook, YouTube, twitter, as well as instagram because of Hong Kong as they were giving threats to people of China. The government also take effective steps for the betterment of the country. The Islam is also present in the China. Almost 2% individuals are Muslims, which shows that Islam is present in the country and the relationship of Chinese with Muslims is also strong. The multicultural communication play a significant role. In China Muslims are living in many regions and spreading further as well. Multicultural communication is also a way to communication with people that belonging to different background and nations. It is a challenging way in which individuals belonging to different cultures share their views, ideas and thinking with each other to process further. The cultivation theory is also explain in the research, which is also followed by China as this there is based on media. The media is gain a competitive advantage and is present in an innovative style within China. Similarly, learning theory is also discuss in the research because people from rest of the world use to learn things and gain knowledge in different ways. This learning theory helps the people when they go foreign for different purposes including education, doing job and operating businesses. Keywords - Social Media, China, New Technologies, Press freedom.