Paper Title :Nurse's Knowledge Regarding Triage System at Emergency Departments in Public Hospital at Khartoum State
Author :Hanadi Mohammed Elhassen Mukhtar, Ensherah Awad Fadlallah
Article Citation :Hanadi Mohammed Elhassen Mukhtar ,Ensherah Awad Fadlallah ,
(2019 ) " Nurse's Knowledge Regarding Triage System at Emergency Departments in Public Hospital at Khartoum State " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 27-30,
Abstract : Introduction: The assurance of the best possible care in emergency situations depends on the implementation of a rapid
triage system and strapping knowledge of triage among nurses. The aim of the study was to assess nurses’ knowledge
regarding triage system
Methods: is a descriptive cross- sectional, Hospital based- study design. A sample of 168 nurses was selected from the
emergency department of Khartoum state teaching hospitals by using the method of probability sampling. Data was collected
by face to face interview questionnaire. The data was analyzed by statistical packages of social scenes version 16 and was
presented in the form of simple frequency table.
Results: The common age 20-25 years,(41.7%),It was sum that a (26.8%) of participant were not familiar with term triage,
(67.9%) were define triage correctly , only (10.7%) receive knowledge about triage from universities program, most of
participants (71.4%) did not know the appropriate approach to prioritize the patients, there is statistical significant with
qualification (p value 0.000).shortage of qualified staff was the great challenges .
Conclusion: the study concluded that triage system did not provided by any academic program nurses did not know the
proper method for sorting patient
Keyword - Triage .Nurses. Emergency
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2019-04-11 |