Paper Title :A Study on the Differences of Reading Electronic Texts in Popular Science between Taiwanese Minorities and Han People
Author :Li, Yi-Jiu, Huang, Tzu-Hua
Article Citation :Li ,Yi-Jiu ,Huang ,Tzu-Hua ,
(2019 ) " A Study on the Differences of Reading Electronic Texts in Popular Science between Taiwanese Minorities and Han People " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 23-27,
Abstract : Aboriginal students in Taiwan generally have lower reading comprehension than Han students. Among them, the textbooks of popular science texts are the most difficult to understand. This study combines electronic audiobooks and ethnic language teaching to design CPS curriculum teaching models, including electronic audiobook texts and pre-test and post-test. Among them, electronic audiobook texts use science knowledge as content. In this study, the aboriginal elementary school and the middle- and high-grade students of the Hanelementary school were studied, and the textbook "Uninvited Guest in the Tribe" was published. In this way, the differences between the students and the electronic audiobooks in the science texts have been examined. The results of the study indicate that after the reading of electronic audio books by Aboriginal students, the improvement in reading comprehension has reached significant differences. However, the increase in aboriginal male students was significantly higher than that of female students. In addition, the results of the Han students show that after reading "Uninvited Guest in the Tribe," the progress in reading comprehension has also reached significant differences. Keywords - Collaborative Problem Solving, Ethno-Electronic Audiobook, Aboriginal Culture, Popular Science Reading, Reading Comprehension
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-11
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2020-01-09 |