Paper Title :Framework for Critical Infrastructure Security Rating
Author :Dorah Chauke, Fhumulani Mphadzha
Article Citation :Dorah Chauke ,Fhumulani Mphadzha ,
(2022 ) " Framework for Critical Infrastructure Security Rating " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 21-25,
Abstract : Abstract - Proper functioning of a nation’s economy and society requires that its critical infrastructure is safe and secure. The protection of critical infrastructure is becoming a growing concern to national governments, infrastructure managers and local authorities. Hence, the need to develop a framework for evaluating the safety of these critical infrastructures. Critical infrastructures are interconnected and therefore face a myriad of vulnerabilities and threats. A comprehension of these vulnerabilities is essential in developing a framework for evaluating security levels of critical infrastructures. In addition to evaluating how safe and secure the infrastructure is, a framework is essential in for identifying security gaps that need to be addressed. This paper proposes a framework for rating critical infrastructure’s security level using weighted variables.
Keywords - Critical Infrastructure, Security Rating, Vulnerability Assessment
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-8,Issue-3
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2022-05-14 |