Paper Title :Challenges on Maintaining Quality University Facilities
Author :Pj Rogers, Johanah Micah G. Maslar, Mark Phillip Maslar
Article Citation :Pj Rogers ,Johanah Micah G. Maslar ,Mark Phillip Maslar ,
(2021 ) " Challenges on Maintaining Quality University Facilities " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 90-97,
Abstract : Abstract - Facilities Management (FM) - within the context of educational institutions - is in charge of the overall maintenance of their school grounds. These operations affect how accessible study environments and resources affect students, faculty, and community members. The research here explores the inherent challenges in maintaining university campuses' facilities by conducting a comparative analysis on FM operations from 2016 to 2021. This was accomplished by comparing images, documents, and procedures done in the past with current practices through interviews with FM personnel and students from across the United States, Oceania, and the Philippines. By doing so, the discussion explores the importance of students' perspectives on quality facility management in universities while also providing counsel on processes that can be used to improve department performance and how to influence such positive change for future achievement.
Keywords - University Facilities Management, Physical Environment, Physical Plant, Student’s Perspective
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-7,Issue-12
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2022-07-15 |