Paper Title :Holding elections in the context of COVID-19 Pandemic Measures envisaged to be undertaken in Albania in the framework of the Parliamentary Elections of April 25, 2021
Author :Irena Toshkallari
Article Citation :Irena Toshkallari ,
(2021 ) " Holding elections in the context of COVID-19 Pandemic Measures envisaged to be undertaken in Albania in the framework of the Parliamentary Elections of April 25, 2021 " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 31-36,
Volume-7, Issue-3
Abstract : Abstract - Coronavirus-19 generated not only a global economic and health crisis but also placed states facing the difficult challenge of finding a balance between maintaining citizen health safe and the fundamental human right. Inevitably, it has changed the electoral processes, starting from the way of voting, the way of organizing electoral campaigns, issues in the focus of political discourse addressed by the candidates during the electoral campaign, etc. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been states that have postponed electoral activity or referendums, just as there have been states that have conducted them even during the period of world lockdown or in quarantine conditions, trying to hold elections not only safe for the health of citizens but also legitimate. In the coming months, Albania will have to face with the challenge of organizing, managing and holding parliamentary elections in the context of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. While in less than two months the election campaign begins, what measures are foreseen to be taken by the government and responsible structure to organize the elections in an unprecedented situation? This paper aims not only to answer the above question but also through a qualitative comparative approach of the measures taken by states that have already held elections in the context of COVID-19, to identify which measure are provided by law and regulations and can be legally applicable,in Parliamentary Elections of 25 April 2021 in Albania.
Keywords - Applicable Measure, COVID-19 Global Pandemic, Election in Albania, Electoral Processes.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-7, Issue-3
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2022-11-24 |