Paper Title :The Induced Abortion of Teenagers According to Thai Law From Past to Present
Author :Yuenyong Phooseenoi, Kamonwan Yoowattana
Article Citation :Yuenyong Phooseenoi ,Kamonwan Yoowattana ,
(2024 ) " The Induced Abortion of Teenagers According to Thai Law From Past to Present " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 54-58,
Abstract : This objective of this article is to study about the rights of teenagers to the induced abortion according to Thai law.
From the study it was found that the induced abortion is an option for women who become pregnant. This guarantees the
right to decide and determine future obligations whether to continue the pregnancy or choose to terminate the pregnancy. This
is considered a process to solve social problems related to medical hygiene. Female teenagers who are pregnant also have the
right to receive reproductive health information, confidentiality, and privacy, equal rights and welfare from the state, including
opportunities for further study and still have the right to decide to terminate the pregnancy. If it appears that pregnancy is a risk
of harm to physical or mental health, there is a reason to believe that the baby will be seriously deformed when born.
Pregnancy is the result of sexual offenses committed against teenage girls to satisfy the perpetrator's desires by using the
perpetrator's genitals to invade the genitals of women under 15 years of age whether the woman consents or not, or a teenage
girl over the age of 15 has been raped and sexually assaulted, women can terminate their pregnancy. For pregnancies that occur
from other reasons, if a woman's pregnancy is no more than 12 weeks, she can request to terminate the pregnancy herself.
However, if the pregnancy is more than 12 weeks but not more than 20 weeks, the pregnancy can be terminated after receiving
examination and receiving alternative counseling from medical practitioners and other professionals according to guidelines
for prevention and solving pregnancy problems. teenage pregnancy For this reason, the researcher deems it appropriate to
specify that parents, guardians, or those who look after minors where the minor is trusted to participate in the pre- and
post-termination process of pregnancy and require teenage girls to receive birth control or take other steps as necessary to
follow-up, control, and monitor after induced abortion. This is to reduce the rate of teenage pregnancy and the rate of
unplanned induced abortion.
Keywords - Law, Induced Abortion, Teenagers
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-10,Issue-6
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2024-09-27 |