Paper Title :Corporate Social Responsiveness As A Factor For Organizational Performance In Nigeria
Author :Onyeaghala Obioma H, I.O.C. Abara
Article Citation :Onyeaghala Obioma H ,I.O.C. Abara ,
(2015 ) " Corporate Social Responsiveness As A Factor For Organizational Performance In Nigeria " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 11-18,
Abstract : Organizations all over the world face challenges not only of competition, technological change, government
regulation/policy changes, etc, but also of establishing and maintaining good relations with their stakeholders. The idea of
corporate social responsiveness is that the profit-seeking objective of companies and the social interest of stakeholders are
not opposed. However, the level of responsiveness shown by corporate organizations to the social needs of their host
community - one of the stakeholders, are often in doubt, it is believed that each needs the other to survive. The major thrust
of this study was to determine if there is relationship between social responsiveness and the performance of organizations in
Nigeria. This study was conducted in Rivers State of Nigeria. A sample size of 169 for the study was selected from the
universe of Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) and Umuechem Community. Primary data was collected with
the aid of questionnaire. The data was subsequently analyzed and presented using tables, graphs and measures of variability.
The hypothesis was tested by applying the z-test statistic. Results indicate that social responsiveness is a significant factor
for organizational performance. Conclusion is drawn that the level of responsiveness of companies to the social needs of
their stakeholders can influence cooperation between them. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that
organizations should not lose focus in directing their operational policies and practices toward being socially responsive.
Keywords: Social Responsiveness, Host Communities, Corporate Performance, Community Relations, Social Contract.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-1,Issue-8
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2015-09-09 |