Paper Title :Non Linear Programming Problems in Population Projection
Author :Abubakar Usman
Article Citation :Abubakar Usman ,
(2016 ) " Non Linear Programming Problems in Population Projection " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 10-11,
Volume-2,Issue-8, Special Issue-1
Abstract : This paper, Non linear programming problem in population projection is aim to derive a population model
relating to the birth rate to a stable age distribution and a stable rate of population growth. It is assume that changes in the
female and male population structure are consistent with the assumption of constant birth rate mi we consider a population
of females at discrete intervals and break the population into k age groups corresponding to unit intervals of time. The
system of linear difference equation is derive and non-linear programming problem was formulated to determine the birth
rate that minimizing the sum of the cost due to changing in the current birth rate and the cost associated with resulting age
Keywords- Nonlinear, population Growth, projection Age
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-8, Special Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2016-09-23 |