Paper Title :Satisfaction Level From the Knowledge Management and Training at Asean Camp
Author :Nopadol Burananuth
Article Citation :Nopadol Burananuth ,
(2017 ) " Satisfaction Level From the Knowledge Management and Training at Asean Camp " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 9-11,
Volume-3,Issue-1, Special Issue-1
Abstract : The purposes of this paper were to investigate the level of satisfaction as well as knowledge improvement from
the government officials who participated in the knowledge management and training at ASEAN camp, Chonburi, Thailand.
The target population of this study included all the government officials who were working in the office and had a regular
contact with ASEAN member countries. A total of 98 government officials answers the questionnaire and provide a useful
comments before and after they had participated in the knowledge management and training at ASEAN camp. Mean and
standard deviation were utilized with SPSS program to analyze the data. The findings showed that the overall level of
satisfaction of the training was very high with 4.78 and 0.765 SD. In addition, the factors of success in the training included
famous speakers, location, and good learning environment.
Keywords- ASEAN, Training Camp, Knowledge Management
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-3,Issue-1, Special Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2017-03-11 |