Paper Title :A Roadmap to Institutionalizing Evaluation: Insights on the National Evaluation Capacity Building (ECB) in Malaysia
Author :Rafidah Mohamed Hashim, Jasmine Ahmad, Posiahmohd Isa
Article Citation :Rafidah Mohamed Hashim ,Jasmine Ahmad ,Posiahmohd Isa ,
(2017 ) " A Roadmap to Institutionalizing Evaluation: Insights on the National Evaluation Capacity Building (ECB) in Malaysia " ,
International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) ,
pp. 31-36,
Volume-3,Issue-1, Special Issue-1
Abstract : For many years, the Malaysian government has strived towards institutionalizing a country-led evaluation system.
Facing with mounting accountability and transparency pressures from the public has raised the need to enhance national
evaluation capacity building (ECB) for national policies and programs. Review of literatures reveal that while there are many
studies on ECB efforts in different countries around the world, studies that focus on the Malaysia’s national ECB efforts
specifically in the public service context are still limited. Focusing on the concept of ECB at the national level, this paper
attempts to unveil evaluation and ECB efforts in the Malaysian setting. Several important ECB factors are highlightedsuch as
evaluation institutional set up, legal framework, evaluation budget, information management system, andemployees’
technical skills on evaluation. In addition to that, several issues and challenges in the current evaluation framework are also
discussed.The paper concludes that the current evaluation and ECB practices have managed tostimulate evaluation activities
at the policy and program levels at various agencies in the Malaysian public sector. Further studies should be conducted to
explore more implementation issues and challenges faced by the government in institutionalizing evaluation via national
ECB efforts.
Key Terms- Evaluation, Evaluation Capacity Building (ECB), National Evaluation Capacity Building (NECB), and
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-3,Issue-1, Special Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2017-04-17 |